
Gratitude – Labbayk

With the Name of Allah, the All-Merciful, the Very-Merciful

The much anticipated album of 2016 by Labbayk is here! With 11 mind-blowing nasheeds, the album is a must-have for every household.

The nasheeds have been cross-checked and approved by more than 4 scholars to ensure that the content are within the limits of the Shari’ah.

Track Listings – Click to listen to Samples

1.    Surah Al Fatihah
2.    Prelude 
3.    Asma ul Husna
4.    Rabbana 
5.    LabbaykAllah 
6.    Celebrations 
7.    Qasidah Burdah 
8.    A New Day ft. Muhammad Shah Nur 
9.    Dunya Ke Ay Musafir 
10.  Provu Tumi Amari 
11.  Day of Eid ft. Muhammad Shah Nur
12.  Medley of Praise 
13.  Surah Yasin


Purchase Album from here (Also available on Digital Downloads)